Believe God will help you

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” (Romans 5:6 NIV)

You learn to trust God by obeying him in small ways.

You probably agree God is the supreme ruler of the universe, powerful enough to overcome any problem or defeat any enemy, that “everything comes from him; everything happens through him; everything ends up in him” (Romans 11:36 MSG).

And, if this is true, then your struggle to give it all to God is not over the issue of whether or not he’ll be able to fulfill his promises — he clearly can do that.

Perhaps the resistance you and I exhibit when we’re faced with trust is because we seriously doubt God will look out for our best interests: “Yes, I believe God can work this out, but will he?”

Or, “I know I can work this out, but I’m not sure God will — at least I’m not sure he will do it the way I want to see it done.”

  • God patiently understands your hesitancy. He made the first move toward establishing a loving, trusting relationship with you. He didn’t wait until you could be trusted to receive his love, and he doesn’t insist you become trustworthy before he trusts you with precious gifts (Romans 5:6-8).
  • God supports our small steps of faith. When we obey God, even in small ways, “we find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand — out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise” (Romans 5:2 MSG).

What are you thinking –

  • How do you exhibit trust in God’s promise to work for your good?
  • What seemingly small steps of faith do you need to take today toward greater trust in God?

Jon Walker’s new book, “Breakfast with Bonhoeffer,” is a message of hope for anyone longing for another chance at life as God created it to be. It is a story of God’s faithfulness, even through job loss, home loss, economic uncertainty, divorce and an incurable disease. Structured like a novel, it reveals how God works through our often messy and inconsistent faith.

This devotional © Copyright 2012 Jon Walker. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Jon Walker

Jon Walker is managing editor of Rick Warren’s Daily Hope Devotionals and a contributing editor at Copyright © 2017 Jon Walker. Used by permission.